Let’s talk about the auto/human compatibility meter.
A card placed, and a driver enlightened.
We here at — how ‘bout you just call us Carmalarky— are really into cars. Non-denominationally, non-maker-specific, anything with wheels, bonafide car lovers. Of course, we have our beloved and our belittled, but we are equally passionate about both. We like just plain like ‘em.
“We’ve been noticing for years that some people just mesh with their autos. In style, tone, color, vintage—everything.”
You could say we know enough about them to be dangerous. One of us knows enough about them to take them apart. Another knows enough about them to call out make a model of all cars that pass from her car—since she was 17. Oh yes, and we love to drive them and sit in them and investigate them and comment pithily about them. And we certainly know enough about them to fill a web site. Ahem.
Our passion/love/quixotic obsession led us invariably to cars and their relationships with their humans. Vice versa, any which way you cut it. Cars and people, people and cars. We’ve been noticing for years that some people just mesh with their autos. In style, tone, color, vintage—everything.
A sartorial match between car and human, snapped on the streets of Shibuya, Tokyo.
Like the well-dressed-dyed-black-hair (bobbed) leopard-print bag-toting older gentlewoman driving the cherry, aqua blue, late-70s (boy, she was fast—didn’t get the year, loved the bag!) Porsche 911 on 5th Street the other day. Everything worked. Life was in-sync. The world should have stopped somehow and put her on film on a billboard in the mall. A solid 9.
Get it?
The talking invariable led us to action: creating the carma auto/human compatibility meter. It should make people feel good. It makes us feel good. In a crazy reckless giving our opinion regardless if anyone wants it on the off chance we’ll make someone smile kind of way. Which we think is sometimes all we can ask for.

Why doesn't the meter go to 10?
This is the level of carmic perfection we reserve for James Bond and his Aston Martin DB5, or Rusty Martin (Ann-Marget) and her white Triumph TR3. We can all aspire to this. And being human, can we ever be perfect?
Which brings us to The Carmalarky Auto/Human Compatibility Consultation.
Enjoy a fun and insightful interview with the founders of Carmalarky, for about an hour. We’ll banter about cars and you, then follow up with thoughtful and appropriate recommendations on cars that suit you best.
Marnie answers 22 questions for the number of years she has yearned to start a car magazine.