Welcome to Carmalarky.


We are Carmalarky,* a brand-new, one-of-a-kind, auto-centric literary magazine.

Carmalarky is a printed paean to our love of all of the cars. And all of the transportation.

A long time ago we decided to start a traditional car magazine but other work got in the way. And now we are back at it with a new idea: a literary magazine! About cars! (Imagine your two editors, long-time business partners and friends, driving around in an old Saab saying “YES, WE WILL DO THIS!”) The driving force behind Carmalarky remains the same: to discover, dissect, understand, and explore the relationship that people share with their automobiles. But now we aim to publish work that is written by and for readers who acknowledge this relationship—humans who are lovers of popular car culture and believe that cars are more than just machines they spend a significant amount of their waking time in and around. We know gear-heads want to read a gorgeous publication about cars. And we know writers and artists need a beautiful venue for their brilliant work about cars. Hence, Carmalarky.

Carmalarky is the love child of The Paris Review and Car & Driver. Figuratively. Because we know magazines can’t have babies yet. But if they could, Surfer’s Journal would be their baby-sitter.

Our pages will intelligently and thoroughly cover the gamut of subjects specifically related to cars and people and we are actively seeking fiction, poetry, essays, and art from writers and artists who get a little tickle when they see their favorite car or feel a bit emotional when they place their hands on the wheel. You know who you are. We are your people. 

Carmalarky will be published as a printed publication with corresponding web content for subscribers, a portion of which will be available free on the web site. Writers and artists may contact us directly or use Submittable after reviewing our submission guidelines

If you want to sign up in advance for our first edition, go to the subscribe page.

Seriously, we spend from 20% to 30% of our lives either driving or riding in cars — or some other form of wheeled, railed, air, or floating (if you’re lucky) transportation — isn’t it about time someone celebrated the best writing about all of it? 

We are happy you are here. Let’s talk about cars. In a beautiful, sexy, shiny, ink on paper kind of way. 

Yours in driving,

Marnie & David, Carmalarky Founders

*Carmalarky is a nonsense word that we made up to capture our love of a great drive and all of the talking we do about it later.


The noble enterprise of rescuing cars.